What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

I hope to never need restoration services again, I would never put my property and belongings in the hands of anyone but your knowledgeable staff. Thank you for all of your hard work.

I thought that having fire damage in my home was going to take a long time to be cleaned up. I was surprised in how efficiently and quickly SERVPRO finished the job. Thank you Great job 

I didn’t think my business could stay open after the disaster. I thought we would be closed for a few days. But, thanks to this company, we weren't closed for too long.

The SERVPRO team was professional and respectful of the complexities involved with a difficult situation.

After a man passed away in one of my rental properties, and no one had noticed until the smell got too bad and we had to call someone. SERVPRO came and cleaned up rather quickly and left it looking brand new.

Your crew was so nice. They worked hard to get my problem taken care of. Thank you ! 

SERVPRO was very knowledgeable. They came in treated the area. The Mold spores test came back wonderful.

Your crew did a great job cleaning our bio hazard. They treated the job with much respect and care. Thank you 

Responded quickly in our time of need. Thank you SERVPRO Of Richland County ! 

When we found mold we were afraid that we would have to shut down our restaurant for months. Thanks to you and your crew you worked quickly and thoroughly to take care of our problem. Thanks to you we were only closed for a few weeks. 

Thank you so much coming to our rescue after the storm. 

Great Job. Would definitely recommend your company.